
Wetland Permitting Services

Projects affecting waters of the US (WOTUS) are complicated and highly regulated. Our experts will identify regulated resources, evaluate the project’s potential impacts, assist with avoidance and minimization during project development, and obtain the necessary permits so you can achieve your goals.

From WOTUS surveys and documentation to regulatory permit coordination and impact mitigation, Edwards-Pitman Environmental works to help our clients achieve their goals while complying with local, state, and federal wetlands, environmental, and water resource policies. Our experts provide critical WOTUS services to meet the requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act of 1972, as amended. 

Our staff coordinates with federal, state, and local resource agencies and authorities to obtain necessary certification and authorization for construction and development in wetlands and their adjacent environments. When regulations call for mitigation for unavoidable WOTUS impacts, we coordinate with our clients and the USACE to determine an appropriate compensatory mitigation strategy. Our employee-owners have undergone training in the identification of WOTUS and Section 404 permitting processes.

Our wetland permitting services include:

  • WOTUS field delineations 
  • Design assistance for avoidance and minimization of regulated resources.
  • USACE Section 404 Permitting
  • Compliance with:
    • Section 404 of the Clean Water Act
    • Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act
    • Section 401 of the Clean Water Act

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